Monday, October 26, 2015

Trump and the GOP Unplugged

Hey, I get why Trump has been so popular—he talks without a filter, willing and able to say what establishment candidates will not, but which many of the electorate are thinking.

But for now, he is a major challenge for the GOP establishment. He’s sucked the air out of the room for the other candidates, monopolizing all the attention and media coverage.

Worse for the GOP, at the end of the day, Trump in reality is a Republican In Name Only. Truth be told, he’s a populist who’s tapped into the anger that the GOP has successfully exploited among a segment of the public for years for votes and money, but really only paid lip service to. And now the GOP is paying the piper.

Trump’s views on issues like executive pay and corporate conduct are anathema to the GOP platform. Trump will likely fade well before the nomination convention as people begin to focus on the election and issues like electability and competency, but it will be interesting how far Trump can get since he doesn’t have the support of the party establishment/power brokers, nor is he beholden to them financially or otherwise. As the GOP's losses in the last few presidential elections have shown, they no longer can win with the same shrinking ageing, white voting demographic they’ve depended on previously, but Trump certainly hasn’t helped them any in that regard.

Click here for a nice overview of the psychological profile of Trump's followers, as well as of liberals and conservatives.

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