Wednesday, June 3, 2020

The Weakness of Donald Trump

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Mission Accomplished!

Monday, June 1, 2020

Trump is about to lose the next five or six elections for the Republicans

From the Independent:

Think about educated people you know. How many think wearing masks is a masculinity test? Think gay people shouldn’t free to work without discrimination, or to get married, GOP-base mainstays before Trump? That government should restrict birth control? That immigrants all go on welfare and ravage cities? That neo-Nazis include very fine people, and barging into Michigan’s legislature brandishing AR-15s because you can’t get a haircut is normal? Some, but not enough to win elections. Attitudes on all these issues vary by education level and occupation — the more educated and white-collar, the more voters favor Democratic answers.
In other words, the culture war’s over and Republicans lost, even though many are very fine people.