Friday, March 20, 2009

The New Face of the Republican Party

You know things are in a bad way for the Republican Party when they're taking advice from a horny plumber.

Though his 15 minutes ended several hours ago, several articles (see here and here) indicate that Joe the Plumber continues to capitalize on his behavior and apparently has been "talking strategy with conservative groups."

Not to put too fine a point on it, but given how out of touch and out of step the GOP has become, it doesn't seem that going to a white beer-drinking male for advice is going to help them modernize the party.

1 comment:

Bob Westal said...


Seeing Wurzelbacher's lame performance at the Media Research shindig, it's another reminder of why these are the same folks whose online minion current favorite meme is that Obama is a lightweight because -- he uses a teleprompter!

Of course, his real sin is using a teleprompter well...and then being able to give coherent answers to questions. (I've just wasted time on the rightwing movie blog "Big Hollywood" talking to people who don't quite the distinction between the President using a teleprompter for his opening remarks at his last press conference, and somehow using it throughout, an impossibility).

The real answer is that the vast bulk of today's remaining hard core conservative activist's natural leader is precocious 14 year-old with a talent for passionately regurgitating meaningless truisms. And, no, I don't mean Bobby Jindal. It's this kid.